Graphic Design Guru & Lover of Cold Places
Charlie Smith

Charlie is our resident graphic designer at Expedition Studios, although he's neither based near us nor likes to be called a graphic designer. This career juxtaposition pushes him to the colder parts of the world in order to find solace and struggle against the confines of his computer screen - a feat made all the more confusing when, as a self-proclaimed polar explorer, he hasn’t set feet near neither pole - nor explored anything other than a very cold road - one too many times.

When he’s not sitting at his desk in London living vicariously through his clients cool photos and videos and pouring his life savings into the abyss that is Adobe Creative Cloud, he can be found staring nostalgically at any winter imagery he can find until the exact moment it turns to winter again, and suddenly all our emails mysteriously stop being answered...

We met Charlie as he was planning The Coldest Crossing - his ni-on yearly pilgrimage through the White Darkness that is the Icelandic Interior in Winter - inspired by his enduring grit (it’s Iceland in the middle of f*cking winter - it’s wet, pitch black and freezing), his determination (he designed an award-winning book cover in a tent during a snowstorm - enough said) and his ability to come up with cool brand names (the name Expedition Studios actually was Charlie’s to start, after years of us following him around Iceland, when we were looking to start a new company he graciously offered to let us build off of his brand name and take it in new directions), and so an inexplicably loving and somewhat geographically challenged trans-continental relationship was struck that has stuck to this day.

Nowadays, we work with Charlie for our graphic design, brand strategy and expedition producing (dreaming) needs. Having studied product design engineering throughout university and subsequently set up various creative agencies within the outdoor world, he’s built up a repertoire of making people and things look cool when they’re outside, on expeditions or just coming up with rad ideas. He’s also available here & here.