Environmental Justice Synergy Sorceress
Whitney Clapper

I’m always honored and equally struggle when people ask for my bio.  Not for lack of achievements and accomplishments, I’ve had a very good life. But more due to the fact that a static posting of my accomplishments feels self-congratulatory, and like biased self-promotion. I’d rather sit down or go on an adventure with someone, share a cup of coffee or drink and exchange stories.  So in an act to make this page more personal, I figured I’d write a letter.

Dear whomever has stumbled upon this page. Welcome! I trust your day/night/moment is going well. If it’s not going well, please stop reading this.  And for the next few minutes, take a deep breath - inhaling for 6 counts, hold for 4, and exhaling for 10.  Do that as many times as you need to.  Find your heartbeat again, feel the ground beneath your feet.  The world needs you here, now, paying attention and grounded.  If and when you choose to come back to this page, here are some things that I value and whole-heartedly believe in: The Climate Crisis is here and we have ~10 years (depending on when you’re reading this) to truly make some drastic changes – are you into making serious change?  Speaking of climate change, the world doesn’t need more crap, but it does need more well-crafted, thoughtful human stories that inspire people to get involved and take action. I've got no time for ego-led companies and people. In fact, no one should have time for this.  The world is challenged with enough problems due to so many ego-driven "leaders" - none of us need to let these types of people lead us any longer. There’s a great quote by Buckminster Fuller that has been my mantra this year: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Companies with self-centered “leaders” are like old systems that need to be dismantled in order for new models to be built.  I deeply care about people, and also love creating new models.  If you still think that environmental and social justice are two separate things, I'm running out of breath for you.  Please learn why we need to recognize that environmental and social justice are one in the same, and then set up a systemic practice to incorporate this understanding into your brand or organization. I believe that the health of our planet is in Indigenous and historically Black led practices: regenerative organic agriculture, fire management, protection of lands and waters and so on.  The more we can elevate and lend platforms to Indigenous and Black leaders, the more we can give back Indigenous lands, the better we will be. I am a co-conspirator to Black, Indigenous and People of color and to Queer, Trans, Non-Binary and believe that in this day and age we should all be striving for equity, justice and inclusion within our lives and respective brands and organizations. I am a mom who wants a healthy and diverse future for my son. I am a marketer by profession, but identify as a storyteller and do my job by listening to my heart versus being driven by KPI's and ROI's and have led a variety of very successful campaigns, films and character driven initiatives.  I keep whiskey on hand for the rough days, and I’m always happy to share. Links to some work that I’ve been a part most recently:District 15 – a short film about a small non-profit group, Communities for a Better Environment, who does critical work on environmental justice and empowers Californian communities to stand up to polluting industries and build a green energy future. District 15 highlights the hope and tenacity of the young activists of Wilmington, California as they push the Los Angeles City Council to prohibit new and existing oil and gas drilling operations within 2,500 feet of homes, schools and hospitals.Rewriting the Myth of the West – blogEveryone’s Wildness – blogPatagonia Action WorksStand with the Gwich’in – short filmBusiness as a force for good – podcast Care to connect, please find me on Twitter @whitneycclapper / Instagram @outlive.the.bastards (thank you Edward Abbey for this moniker) / or LinkedIn @WhitneyConnerClapper